Plant cloning supports versatile substrates from rockwool to coir ingredients suitable for variety of cultivation. Before placing the sample cut pieces into any substrate medium, dip the re-generating part into root hormone solution for 15-30 seconds. If the hormone is in the powder form, make sure the cutting’s end gets a little wet before applying. No need to dip the whole cutting into the hormone; just cover it on the bottom part of the cutting.

The following substrates can be used to successfully plant the clones:

  1. Rockwool
    As rockwool naturally has a high pH level, you need to soak the rockwool cubes in neutral water overnight (or several hours) to bring their pH down. Now time to place the stem into the rockwool and ensure that the stem end must come into contact with the rockwool cubes.
  2. Coir Grow Plugs
    Grow Plugs are Seed propagating media made of Coconut Peat, designed for easy cloning. Coir Grow plugs have low EC value befitting faster root development. Coconut peat mass is covered by thin fabric cloth and has excellent water holding capacity. Only simple hydration and planting the cut part into a grow plug within the depth of 2 inches will do a lot better. 
  3. Soil Plotting
    Traditional cloning with soils is an easy yet efficient method. Just get a fertile soil and plant root hormone dipped cut part into the soil pot.
  4. Water Cloning
    First, fill the cup/plastic bottle with 3/4 of tap/distilled water and maintain the water at room temperature. Ensure the pH level of your water is at between 5.5 to 6.0
    Cut a piece of cling-wrap or plastic to cover and wrap over the top of the cup. Use a tip of a pen, or scissors to poke a hole in the cling-wrap or plastic. Make sure the hole size is smaller than the cutting stem to keep it tight into the pot. 
    Now, put the cutting into the pot, keeping its end at least 5 cm under the water. Place the cloning pot under the indirect sunlight, or low grow lights.
  5. Cloning Machine
    Cloning machines seem to be the most efficient and quickest way to propagate plants. It is effective for some reasons. First, your cutting is not immersed in water but is constantly misted with low-pressure water, which avoids diseases for the fragile roots. Second, there’s plenty of oxygen for the roots. Third, you can do multiple clones at one time.


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