Each and every kind of nutrients are vital for plant nurturing, and the lack in the supply of these nutrients results in nutrient deficiencies. 

Here are the few listed essential nutrients that are prone to be lacking in plants along with their deficiencies symptoms.

  1. N- Light green to yellow appearance of leaves, especially older leaves, stunted growth, poor fruit development.
  2. K- Marginal burning of leaves, irregular fruit development.
  3. Mg- Initial yellowing of older leaves between leaf veins spreading to younger leaves, poor fruit development and production.
  4. P- Leaves may develop purple colouration,  stunted plant growth and delay in plant development.
  5. S- Initial yellowing of young leaves spreading to the whole plant, similar symptoms to N deficiency but occurs on new growth.
  6. Ca- Reduced growth or death of growing tips, poor fruit development and appearance
  7. Mg- Initial yellowing of older leaves between leaf veins spreading to younger leaves, poor fruit development and production.
  8. Fe- Initial distinct yellow or white areas between veins of young leaves leading to spots of dead leaf tissue.
  9. Mn- Interveinal yellowing or mottling of young leaves.
  10. Zn- Interveinal yellowing on young leaves, reduce leaf size, short internodes, brown leaf spot.
  11. Mo- Resemble N deficiency symptoms, leaves show scorching and withering.

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