What is run-off pH?

It’s the pH of the liquid that comes out of your plant’s pot after you water them. This liquid has a pH that correlates, but does not quite exactly measure the average pH of the grow media (Soil, coco coir, peat, etc) in the pot. Most of the time, we test for runoff pH to […]

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How important is the soil pH?

Soil pH is important because it influences several soil factors affecting plant growth, such as (1) soil bacteria, (2) nutrient leaching, (3) nutrient availability, (4) toxic elements, and (5) soil structure.  A pH determination (soil test) will tell whether your soil will produce good plant growth or whether it will need to be treated to […]

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What is pH (potential of Hydrogen)?

Meaning of the name pH is explained as the strength of hydrogen. PH describes the concentration of the hydrogen ions in a solution and it is the indicator of acidity or basicity of the solution. The pH value on a pH scale varies from 0 to 14. Soil pH is the measure of the acidity (sourness) […]

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What is the role of EC in nutrients?

EC is referred to as electrical conductivity of a nutrient solution. It is a measure of ion concentration in the solution. Expressed in terms of mS/cm. For the sake of simplicity, the higher the EC, the stronger the nutrient solution is. In the fertiliser solution, EC reflects the relative ion concentration of nitrogen (N), phosphorous […]

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