How does a pesticide fail?

The failure of the pesticide to control the pest might have been caused by pest resistance, choosing the wrong pesticide, misidentifying the pest, applying the wrong amount, or applying the pesticide incorrectly.

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How does IPM work?

IPM strives with 3 main objectives : (1) balancing the ecosystem with pesticides’ effect and causes , (2) cost effectiveness, (3) protecting the human race from fore-known pesticide use. The commonly known principle of IPM are: Prevention and Suppression Monitoring Decision-making Non-chemical methods Pesticides selection Reduced pesticides use Anti-resistance strategies Evaluation

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What is IPM?

A natural, ecological techniques of preventing pests from reaching the potentially damaging levels and using multiple tactics such as cultural, biological and chemical methods is collectively known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

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How do I manage pests in my garden?

Using some common known pest control tactics into a single plan (strategy) to reduce pests and their damage to an acceptable level are said as Pest Control Management.  Relying only on pesticides for pest control can cause pests to develop resistance to pesticides, can cause outbreaks of other pests, and can harm surfaces or non-target […]

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