pH (ions of Hydrogen), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) and Electrical conductivity (EC) are the major chemical properties to distinguish between.
Articles Tagged: Grow mediums
What can be the physical characteristics of growing media?
Physical properties will aid in optimising irrigation management and keep the ecosystem in check without causing any environmental pollution.
How to make my own grow substrate?
In the growth phase, plants depend mostly on nutrients to prepare for the flowering phase. The substrate must contain nutrients that stimulate growth(most out of 16 essential nutrients) to facilitate better root development. And make wise choices while choosing necessary nutrients according to plant type and surroundings conditions. It is also advisable to use hummus […]

Is growing media a better growth substrate than soil?
Grow media or soilless growing are very popular in the urban and semi-urban areas. It is an effective way of cultivation where it guarantees flexibility and intensification of crop production with precise control over the supply of water and nutrients. Soilless farming helps in eliminating soil-borne diseases, reduces labors required and results in better yields. […]

What are the grow mediums available on the market?
Grow mediums are the soil substitute used in the Hydroponic grow system. The grow medium is what supports your plant and roots and helps absorb the solution and keep the plants moisturized if the pump fails. Grow media are measured by how absorbent they are and how porous they are to allow oxygen in. Some […]